Sazinieties ar mums


Biroja adrese:4N, 2. ēka, Quanzhi Science and Technology Inovation Park, Song'an Road, Shajing Street, Bao'an rajons, Šenžena, Guandunas province, 518104 Prchina

Rūpnīcas adrese:7. ēka, Nr. 26 Keyuan Road, Tangxia Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong province, 523000 prchina


+86 13510865777


24 stundas tiešsaistē

Biroja adrese :4N, 2. ēka, Quanzhi Science and Technology Inovation Park, Song'an Road, Shajing Street, Bao'an rajons, Šenžena, Guandunas province, 518104 Prchina
Rūpnīcas adrese :7. ēka, Nr. 26 Keyuan Road, Tangxia Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong province, 523000 prchina

Pārdošana:+86 13510865777

Stundas:24 stundas tiešsaistē

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